ChangeLog of NNHelferlein package
- use CUDA.CuIterator in train?
- padding no longer imported from NNlib (incompatibility wirh AutoGrad)
- tidy-up dependency jungle
- Padding added to emebdding layer
- l1 and l2 decay always parallel to learning rate decay
- severeal bioinformatics tools (aminoacid embedding, blosum, vhse8)
- dataframe_minibatch default "y" changed to nothing.
- Bioinformatics: Aminoacid tokenisation added
- GPU selection added (not yet exported)
- grouped convolutions fixed
- Transformer API added for Bert-like architectures
- Transformer example
- ramp-up of beta added to VAE
- disambiguate vae signature
- imagenet preprocessing fixed for vgg and resnet
- ResNetBlock added
- ResNet added
- Padding layer added
- print_network changed to summary
- Pretrained nets saved at zenodo and simplified constructors added
- AbstractNN and AbstractLayer added
- copy model and save/load as JLD2 added
- Depthwise conv-layer added (experimental)
- focal loss functions added to classifier
- FeatureSelection layer added
- explicit signature added for 3d-convolution
- train: possibility to disable tensorboard logs
- train: possibility to return losses and accs for plotting after training
- some docstring cosmetics
- Activation Layers added
- layer GlobalAveragePoling added
- pre-trained vgg example fixed for changed "import-HDF"-interface
- hdf5 import with all kwargs possible
- added: Layer + Layer = Chain
- changelog added to docu
- documentation for release added
- split_minibatches() made stable (never returns an empty iterator)
- docs slightly re-organised
- Gaussian Layer added
- minibatch iterator for masking added
- initial release