The section provides a brief overview of the functionality provided by NNHelferlen. For more details, please visit the API-Section.
Neural network definitions
The abstract type AbstractNN
provides signatures to be called as
: evaluate x (sample or minibatch)(m::AbstractNN)(x,y)
: evaluate x and calculate the loss(m::AbstractNN)(d)
: return the mean loss for a dataset, if d is an iterator of typeKnet.Data
: return the mean loss for a x,y-tuple.
Explicit signatures exist for types Classifier
and Regressor
with negative log-likelihood and square loss as loss, respectively. For variational autoencoders the type VAE
The type Chain
wraps a list of layers that are executed sequentially.
Types Transformer
and TokenTransformer
are provided to build Bert-like transformer networks from the rspective TFEncoder
and TFDecoder
A network summary can be printed with summary(mdl::AbstractNN)
and a more detailed list of all layers with print_network(mdl::AbstractNN)
Layer definitions
Several layers are predefined with executable signatures:
MLPs: different flavours of the simple layer:
: default layer for a vector (i.e. sample) or matrix (i.e. mininbatch) as input with logistic actvation as default.Linear
: TensorFlow-style layer to process high-dimensional arrays and identity as default activation.Embed
: embedding layer that adds a first dimension with the embeddings to the input.Convolutional NNs: to build CNNs
layers are provided with standard functionality. The utilitys include methods for array manipulation, such as clipping arrays or adding dimensions.Recurrent Layers: a
layer is defined as wrapper around the basic Knet RNN type.Others: additional layers include (please see the API-section for a complete list!):
, trainableBatchNorm
, trainableLayerNorm
Attention Mechanisms
Some attention mechanisms are implemented for use in sequence-to-sequence networks. If possible projections of values are precomputed to reduce computational cost:
- AttnBahdanau: concat- or additive-style attention according to Bahdanau, 2015.
- AttnLuong: multiplicative-or general-stype attention according to Luong, 2015.
- AttnDot: dot-product-style attention according to Luong, 2015.
- AttnLocation: dot-product-style attention according to Luong, 2015.
- AttnInFeed: input-feeding attention according to Luong, 2015.
A generalised dot-product attention can be computed from (Query, Key, Value) tuple: dot_prod_attn(q, k, v)
Helpers for transformer networks include functions for positional encoding, generating padding- and peek-akead-masks and computing scaled multi-headed attention, according to Vaswani, 2017.
Data provider
Image data
The function mk_image_minibatch()
can be used to create an iterator over images, organised in directories, with the first directory-level as class labels.
Helper functions (such as image2array()
, array2image()
, array2RGB()
) can be used to transform image data to arrays. Imagenet-style preprocessing can be achieved with preproc_imagenet()
, readable Imagenet class labels of the top predictions are printed by predict_imagenet()
Helpers for tabular date include:
: read a csv-file and return a DataFramedataframe_split
: split tabular data in a DataFrame into train and validation data; optionally with balancing.dataframe_minibatch
: data provider to turn tabular data from a DataFrame (with one sample per row) into a Knet-like iterator of minibatches of typeKnet.Data
: may be used to turn class label strings into class-IDs.
Texts and NLP
Some utilities are provided for NLP data handling:
: a simple tool to encode words as ids. The type comes with signatures to en- and decode in both directions.get_tatoeba_corpus
: download dual-language corpi and provide corresponding lists of sentences in two languages.
function returns an iterator to sequence or sequence-to-secuence minibatches. Also helpers for padding and truncating sequences are provided.
Minibatch iteration utilities
A number of iterators are provided to wrap and manipulate minibatch iterators:
PartialIterator(it, states)
returns an iterator that only iterates the givenstates
of iteratorit
.MBNoiser(it, σ)
applies Gaussian noise to the x-values of minibatches, provided by iteratorit
.MBMasquerade(it, ρ)
applies a mask to the x-values of minibatches, provided by iteratorit
Working with pretrained networks
Layers of pre-trained models can be created from TensorFlow HDF5-parameter files. It is possible to build a network from any pretrained TensorFlow model by importing the parameters by HDF5-constructors for the layers Dense
, Conv
. The flatten-layer PyFlat
allows for Python-like row-major-flattening, necessary to make sure, that the parameters of an imported layer after flattening are in the correct order.
NNHelferlein provides an increasing number of pretrained models from the Tensorflow/Keras model zoo, such as vgg or resnet. Please see the reference section for a up-to-date list.
Although Knet-style is to avoid havyweight interfaces and train networks with lightweight and flexible optimisers, a train interface is added that provides TensorBoard logs with online reporting of minibatch loss, training and validation loss and accuracy.
A number of additional utilities are included. Please have a look at the utilities section of the API documentation.
A number of utilities for bioinformatics are provided, including an amino acid tokenizer to convert amino acid sequences from String to vectors of integers and embedding of amino acids with BLOSUM62 or VHSE8 parameter sets.
Please have a look at the bioinformatics section of the API documentation.